
Bee Hives


DOTD and GSI recently spent the day surveying and taking drone surveillance to capture pictures of the property. They will return to take pictures after Agriculture builds gardens and plants fruit trees. ZHS and Port Hudson students will maintain and harvest the fruits and vegetables. 


There are two prerequisite classes offered at ZHS. Furturistically, the third class will be a drone surveying class at Port Hudson where students will have the opportunity to earn a CTE credit. Drones are a valuable tool for a surveyor. 

Print Shop

Ms. Anyetta Ford comes to us from Xerox with over 22 years of experience in print shops. The print shop is located at Port Hudson in the 1st bay operating 3 black and white machines and 1 color machine.  Teachers communicate with the print shop through an application called “Papercut”. This application notifies Ms. Ford that a job has been submitted. Papercut keeps the teacher informed on the status from submission to completion. Once the job is complete, the packet is labeled and and delivered by a school employee. Teachers have the option of 3-hole punch, stapling, and coil binding. The idea of the print shop alleviates the time and cost of running copies. 

On Campus and Virtual Expelled students

Much like the Zachary Virtual Learning Program, students are taught by highly qualified/certified instructors through an online format. Port Hudson offers a fully certified staff to assist and monitor students to ensure they are working and completing credits towards their degree. Our staff is in communication with parents/guardians weekly to give updates on the students progress. 

ZVLP is an alternative to traditional public school, where students access standards-based courses facilitated by highly qualified/certified instructors through an online format. Courses can be completed through a varied pace curriculum that is solely aligned to the ability of an individual student. The courses can be completed anytime/anywhere and are progress monitored through a series of benchmark tests as well as a culminating exam that proves mastery of the content. All courses enable the student to be in direct contact with their facilitator through email, phone, and/or face-to-face interaction.

ZHS Professional Development Career Day

Students will participate in the construction of gardens and irrigation systems at Port Hudson. Guest speaker and special project presented by Mr. Mark Matte (Matte's Plumbing). Mr. Mark will also provide lunch. 

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